Welcome to the Chuck Wagon Trailers

The cowboys and stuntmen who started Chuck Wagon Trailers wanted to preserve the old ways.

Most had ridden the trails we now dream of and they saw the clouds of change….knowing

that no more could they ride with the trail herds and join the round-ups as in days gone by.

Most of them are now gone. 
Their history and their stories still live on, at our round-ups, 
through legend, 
word-of-mouth, cowboy poetry and recorded history.

It also lives on through our authentic chuck wagon, constructed and 
 by a San Fernando Valley rancher in 1887.

We still gather around the chuck wagon at our round-ups and 
meet old pals or form new relationships.

Together we relive the memory of the men who knew the trails of the chuck wagon.

Come join us….and help to preserve a bit of the old west.
Through active membership, you will be able to participate in cookin’ the way they used to
and sit around a campfire and learn the old ways.

Our Chuck Wagon is in pretty good shape, but we hope to refurbish and renew some
 parts before entering the wagon into parades.

All of this takes manpower and money, so please join up and support a part of your history.

Annual full membership dues are a paltry $30.00 per year which entitles you 
to receive a free CWT T-shirt or CWT coffee mug.  
If you don’t want one of these treasured heirlooms, submit $25.00
Either way you will get a meal ticket to one of our cookouts and 
receive newsletters and flyers for coming events.  
Your dues will help us keep our chuck wagon worthy for the trail and help us buy grub.  
Should you want the Henley shirt, it cost us more so you will have to pony up an additional $5.00.  
Still a pretty good deal.   

No one is paid wages or anything else in this outfit and it don’t run on beans.